Pixmap functions The following kernel functions are used with pixmaps: AddBorder AdjustHSV AdjustRGB AlphaDrawRect AutoCrop AutoCropRect AverageColor binarize BlendModes BoxBlur color ColorCount ColorFreqs ColorGradient CombineChannels ComponentHighlight ComputePixmap ConvolutionKernel convolve CreatePixmap CustomScanlineRotation darken DissolveToColorRegularly DissolveToColorStochastically DistortColor DistortMetric DrawDisk DrawDisks DrawLine DrawLines DrawPolygon DrawRect DrawSquare DrawSquares EdgeDetect EmbedPixmap emboss ExpandCanvas ExtendBorder ExtractChannel FadeToColor FillRect FixHue flip FloodFill GaussianBlur GetHSL GetHSV GetRect GetRGB height HexColorCode hsl hsv InvertColor InvertLightness InvertValue IsCol IsDark IsGreyscale IsOnlyBackground IsRow IsSquare LinearTransformation MatrixPlot MotionBlur NamedColors noise pixelate RandomColor RandomScanlineRotation rgb ripple rot180 rot90n rot90p rotate scale ScanlineRotation shear ShiftHue shuffle size SkewRotation stretch tiles ToGreyscale ToMonochromatic transformation voronoi whiten width wind