Algosim documentation: until


Evaluates an expression at least once and then repeatedly as long as a condition is not met.



until(expr, cond) evaluates expr and then cond. If cond returns true, until returns. Otherwise, the process starts over with a new evaluation of expr and then of cond. This is repeated until cond returns true. until always returns null, so it is only used for its side effects.


until((A ≔ RandomIntMatrix(5, −5, 6)), IsSingular(A)); A
⎛ 5  −2  −1   4  −5⎞
⎜−3  −3   3   2   3⎟
⎜ 2  −5   5   4  −5⎟
⎜−3   2   0   0  −2⎟
⎝−2   5  −4  −1  −2⎠

See also