Algosim documentation: RandomMatrix


Returns a matrix containing random real numbers from [0, 1).



RandomMatrix(n, m) returns a matrix of size n×m containing random real numbers from [0, 1). If omitted, m will default to n, thus creating a square matrix.

mean(compute(RandomMatrix(5), n, 1, 1000000))
⎛0.499721489374  0.499853258161  0.500354557889  0.499925569883  0.499987368487⎞
⎜0.500071914039  0.499683701358  0.499915420102  0.499647346445  0.500161750669⎟
⎜0.500113181198  0.499874115263  0.499841364548  0.499577865172  0.499754436146⎟
⎜0.499908614672  0.499662047445  0.500325521418  0.500276488677  0.499465546335⎟
⎝0.499950113291  0.500524200807  0.500006198915   0.49957547649  0.500308721403⎠
mean(compute(RandomMatrix(5, 2), n, 1, 1000000))
⎛0.500038996163  0.499872559157⎞
⎜0.499497109067   0.49953861144⎟
⎜0.499906278042  0.500143337879⎟
⎜0.499841036794   0.50008435817⎟
⎝ 0.49977223966  0.500347723298⎠

See also