Algosim documentation: How do I define a custom function?

How do I define a custom function?

In Algosim, functions are first-class objects.

To create a function, you use the operator. You can insert this operator by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T or by typing “\mto” followed by space or a punctuation character.

Typically, you want to save the function to a variable. To do this, you use the usual assignment operator . You can insert this operator by typing a colon (:) followed by an equals sign (=) and then space or a punctuation character.


f ≔ x ↦ x^2 + 1
custom function

A function may depend on several variables:

Q ≔ (x, y, z) ↦ 3⋅x^2 + y^2 − z^2 + 2⋅x⋅y
custom function
Q(4, −2, 1)

Functions are first-class objects:

SequenceList(1, 10) @ (n ↦ prime(n))
2  3  5  7  11  13  17  19  23  29
filter(ans, (n ↦ even(sum(digits(n)))))
2  11  13  17  19

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